10 video games that got banned in some of the world’s countries

2. Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (Pakistan)


Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 is one of the better entries in the Call of Duty series, with a campaign that took place in two different time periods (the world in 2025 and the Cold War), a good range of old and futuristic weapons, and the cracking multiplayer the series is renowned for.

But Black Ops 2 also caused controversy, and not only because Activision was sued by former dictator Manuel Noriega for featuring his likeness in the game without compensation, but also due to the fact that the game was banned in Pakistan for supposedly putting the country in a bad light. The country’s authorities thought the game portrayed the nation as a hotbed for terrorist activity, meaning copies of the game were removed from retailers nationwide after the outrage (which most western observers likely though was a case of too much ado about nothing anyway…)