Life is Strange 2: Episode 2 gets a release date


After the success that 2015’s Life is Strange was, French developer Dontnod Entertainment began releasing a sequel to that game in September this year, with episode 1 of Life is Strange 2 being a decent start to this second season of the franchise.

This is despite the fact that Life is Strange 2 doesn’t share the same setting as its predecessor (the quaint midwestern town of Arcadia Bay), and that much-loved characters from season one Max and Chloe are missing from this instalment too.

Life is Strange 2’s episode 1 had an exciting ending though, a live action version of which can be seen in the trailer for the upcoming episode 2 (obviously, if you haven’t played episode 1 yet you might want to refrain from watching the trailer below).

Dontnod has also revealed the release date for episode 2, which will be landing on January 24, 2019. It’s hard not to notice though, that French outfit Dontnod appears to be taking its time with each episode this time around. Episode 2 will see a release almost 4 months after the first landed in September.

This means that if Dontnod sticks to this schedule we might not get to play the final episode of the Diaz brothers’ adventure until late 2019.

This won’t be much of an issue if each remaining episode in this second season of Life is Strange turns out to be great, something we’ll find out when episode 2 is released next month.