1. Hitman Episode 2: Sapienza
This Hitman episode took place in Sapienza. Not the university in Rome, but rather the fictional seaside Italian town where this second episode of Hitman’s 2016 season is set. This is a fantastic location actually, with a James Bond vibe to it and a hint of the Godfather too, particularly in villain Silvio Caruso’s posh Italian mansion.
There was also a secret underground lab where Caruso and his partner in crime were working on a deadly virus, which also had to be destroyed in this mission. And Caruso sure was a great character, a neurotic scientist who had a troublesome relationship with his mother, something you could also exploit in clever ways in this mission…
Of course, there were other ways to dispose of the geezer in this episode, such as using an explosive golf ball to ruin his golfing lessons – surely one of the coolest killings in a Hitman game ever. Plus dressing as a priest or cook in order to complete optional challenges was also a blast in a mission that’s arguably the best we’ve seen in any Hitman game to date.