Ranking the Resident Evil movies from worst to best

6. Resident Evil: The Final Chapter (2016)

This is the last of Paul W. S. Anderson’s six Resident Evil movies, and continues the story of zombie killer Alice. Here she’s still looking to get even with the Umbrella Corporation, including her enemies Dr. Isaacs and Umbrella boss Albert Wesker, of course… But while the previous movies were thin on plot and heavy on action, this sadly has the weakest plot of all of Paul W. S. Anderson’s zombie flicks.

Actually, this is just a collection of spectacular action set pieces strung one after the other, with little to advance the story or develop the characters. It looks more like a video game at times, so it’s fitting its release was timed to coincide with the latest Resident Evil video game. At least this doesn’t suffer from CGI overdose and overuse of slow motion like parts 4 and 5, while Mila Jovovich still looks good as Alice, even if she is past her prime here. Ultimately, though, this doesn’t come close to the first three films, but is great popcorn entertainment all the same.

Resident Evil: The Final Chapter (Screen Gems / Constantin Film)