Ranking the Star Wars movies from worst to best

8. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker ($1072 million)

“People keep telling me they know me. No one does” – Rey


Star Wars fans looking forward to Rise of Skywalker were likely disappointed. This is because while the earlier The Last Jedi was maligned for seemingly breaking Star Wars canon, it was actually a terrific movie. But director J.J. Abrams nonetheless tried to undo what Rian Johnson had done in Jedi, retconning aspects of the earlier movie’s story such as Rey’s parentage… Rise of Skywalker is also crammed to the teeth with stuff, this is evident in the beginning when we see hotshot pilot Poe Dameron attempt to break the record for hyperspace jumps on the Millenium Falcon in the least amount of time…

Also, everything to do with Emperor Palpatine (who mysteriously has risen from the dead) comes across as strange, he’s an ill-fitting villain here, even though actor Adam Driver is still great as Kylo Ren in this film. There’s also some great imagery here – seeing the Death Star in the sea is an awesome sight, plus seeing Rey’s and Kylo’s relationship evolve into romance is interesting. This is a messy film overall nonetheless, and one which also fails to give Princess Leia the sendoff she so thoroughly deserved, but still made more than a billion dollars at the box office.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (Lucasfilm)