Back in 1991, Disney caused a sensation with its Beauty and the Beast animated film due to its delightful characters, impressive animation and moving romantic story. It was the first in a sensational string of animated movies that would follow, including later hits like 1992’s Aladdin and The Lion King.
And much to the delight of Walt Disney fans the world over, the renowned American company will now be releasing live action versions of its 90’s classics including Beauty and the Beast, which will be hitting movie theatres worldwide in March next year.
Of course, while the recent trailer for this upcoming Disney movie did look great, it is likely that quite a few fans of the company’s 90’s era classics could be thinking that it will be hard for Walt Disney to top its 1991 Beauty and the Beast with this new live action version.
After all, the 1991 movie is considered a classic by many, and was the first animated movie to ever be nominated for best picture at the Academy Awards, while its musical score by Alan Menken (which actually won the Academy Award) was truly unforgettable.
The upcoming live action version could still turn out to be a solid movie, though, as it’s got a good cast with renowned actress Emma Watson in the leading role, and also actors Luke Evans and Ewan McGregor, who play Gaston and Lumiere respectively, also feature in the movie. The film will also draw from Alan Menken’s original music for the 1991 classic, although it will also feature new musical themes.
But even if this live action version of Beauty and the Beast does not outdo the original, at least it’s clear that it may also turn out to be a hit for Disney, as moviegoers have already shown tremendous interest for the film as the movie’s trailer surpassed 127 million views in its first 24 hours, beating other trailers for major motion pictures like Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Fifty Shades Darker, according to Variety.
So here’s hoping Walt Disney is able to deliver another great Beauty and the Beast picture next year, one which both appeals to modern audiences and also brings a smile to the face of those who got to enjoy the classic original back in the day.