The Division 2 to get a massive day one patch


The Division 2 is only days away now, but those who get a physical copy of the game might be surprised to know that a massive download awaits them on launch day.

Actually, according to an official support page, those who get a physical edition of the game for PS4 will have to endure a lengthy 90 GB download before venturing into a post-apocalyptic Washington DC in Ubisoft’s latest game, as was recently covered on Eurogamer.

The file size is a tad more reasonable for Xbox One and PC owners, coming in at between 48-52 GB, but still a bummer for those who were looking to pop in the disc and get playing right away come The Division 2’s release date.

The Division 2 is not the first high-profile game to get a massive day one patch – last year’s Black Ops 4 left many people dumbfounded with its 50 GB day one patch – but the PS4’s 90 GB patch for The Division 2 really is pushing things too far.

And as Eurogamer points out this is close to the game’s actual install size, meaning Ubisoft is making a massive amount of changes just after shipping the game. This is not entirely unreasonable taking into account the multiplayer nature of the game and that Ubisoft might be tweaking things right until the last minute, but first day patches really shouldn’t be this big in my view.

Also, the trend of video games requiring ever bigger install sizes might be inconvenient for some users who are still running consoles with only 500 GB of hard drive space. In 2016, for instance, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare drew attention due to its massive install size, while this year The Division 2 is releasing with a day one patch that’s bigger than that of any other game before it.

Here’s hoping then, that Ubisoft’s game lives up to the hype, and that The Division 2 is a worthy follow up to 2016’s post-apocalyptic shooter when it comes out this week.

Note: The Division 2 will be released on March 15, 2019. Available on PS4, Xbox One and PC.