Wet Dreams Dry Twice is the new Leisure Suit Larry game coming out this year


Leisure Suit Larry is, for one reason or another, one of the best-known video game characters of all time, and the video game series starring Larry has been around since the late eighties, back when Sierra Entertainment was one of the biggest video game companies out there.

However, it’s also true that some Leisure Suit Larry games have been truly awful – the likes of Box Office Bust stand amongst the worst video game flops ever. It may have also made many people think that video game sex is pointless, given the games’ adult nature and Larry’s often hilarious antics. So it makes sense fans may have thought on more than one occasion good old Larry would not be coming back, and that the series was dead for good…

But then came Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don’t Dry in 2018, a game that shocked many people by actually being pretty good. And Wet Dreams Don’t Dry’s success means that for good or ill, we’re getting another Leisure Suit Larry game this year, as was recently reported on PC Gamer.

The new game will be titled “Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Dry Twice” and like its predecessor will be available on Steam (and also on the GOG store) this fall.

While the early Leisure Suit Larry games were set in the 80’s, Wet Dreams Dry Twice is set in modern times, and continues the story of 2018’s Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don’t Dry. This means that players will be looking for Larry’s lost love Faith, who’s lost somewhere in a tropical archipelago (see trailer below). This will also be an adventure game like its predecessors, in which you’ll have to solve puzzles in order to complete quests and move forward in the game.

And given this will feature a cast of more than 40 characters and more than 50 locations (hand drawn, as seen in the screenshot which accompanies this article) this might just be the game Leisure Suit Larry fans were hoping for when it arrives later this year.

Note: Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Dry Twice will be released on October 15, 2020. Available on PC (Steam and GOG).