Far Cry fans surely have one date marked on their calendar and that’s March 27, the day when the latest iteration of the long-running video game series will be hitting shelves.
And Far Cry 5 promises to be another thrilling entry in the franchise as it not only features several gameplay innovations, it’s also the first game in the series to be set in the West. Also, the fact you’re going up against a cult planning to take over the USA is icing on the cake in what could yet be the series’ best game to date.
Hopefully, though, Far Cry 5 will live up to the hype and not turn out to be a mild disappointment like Far Cry Primal was back in 2016, and ahead of Far Cry 5’s release on March 27 Ubisoft has revealed more details about the game.
In an interview with GameSpot, executive producer Dan Hay has confirmed that the game will indeed have microtransactions. And given players’ upset about Star Wars Battlefront II’s microtransactions earlier this year, it’s good to know that Far Cry 5’s microtransactions will only be cosmetic in nature. This applies to both co-op and head to head multiplayer, although as was the case with Assassin’s Creed Origins last year, you will be able to spend cash in single player mode in order to speed up your progress in the game.
Read more: 8 shocking things about the Far Cry 5 reveal
Regarding the single player campaign, it’s also a good thing that this will be playable offline too. This will be good news for those with shaky Internet connections or those who wish to play the game while on a vacation, or during a trip where it’s not possible to get a reliable Internet connection for instance.
Either way, it’s good to know Ubisoft is dropping the “always online” requirement for single player that has proven unpopular with gamers in the past, so here’s hoping Far Cry 5 ends up being the game shooter fans are hoping for when it finally hits shelves later this month.
Note: Far Cry 5 will be released on February 27, 2018. Available on PS4, Xbox One and PC.