It is without question one of the most eagerly awaited games of 2018, but video game company Rockstar has not shown us much of its upcoming game Red Dead Redemption 2 since this sequel to their 2010 cowboy game was announced last year.
Aside from the teaser trailer which came out in October 2016, Rockstar also put out an admittedly impressive second trailer for the game, plus there’s also been a couple of screenshots doing the rounds which let us take a peek at the game’s Wild West setting.
And a recent third trailer (see below) has revealed even more details about Rockstar’s next big game, chief of which is the fact that John Marston will feature in it. For those not in the know, Marston was the protagonist of 2010’s Red Dead Redemption, a former outlaw who had been hired by the authorities to bring his former gang members to justice.
But this being a prequel to the first game, which is set in the very late 19th century (1899 actually) means we are likely to find out more about Marston’s relationship with the infamous Van der Linde gang, which is being pursued by the authorities who are looking to put an end to the gang’s nefarious activities.
Also, this being a Rockstar game you can expect it to be controversial, but maybe not in the same way as the original game was, which was criticized due to its racist overtones.
Hopefully though, Red Dead Redemption 2 will live up to other Rockstar greats from the past, offering superb open world gameplay while being as much fun as the original was, when it hits shelves later this year.
Note: Red Dead Redemption 2 will be released on October 26, 2018. Available on PS4 and Xbox One.