Top 5 video games previewed at the 2016 Tokyo Game Show

3. Watch Dogs 2


The original Watch Dogs game which came out in 2014 was a solid GTA clone that wasn’t so well-received, but Ubisoft is looking to do better with this sequel set in the cradle of the technology revolution, San Francisco. The city has fallen prey to a “Big Brother” government and the evil CTOS 2.0 computer system which is spying on San Francisco’s citizens around the clock, and it’s up to protagonist Marcus Holloway and his pals at the hacker group Dedsec to put an end to the tyranny…

The Tokyo Game Show below also gives us a first glimpse at the villain, a guy who’s into control, meditation and martial arts. Of course, it can be argued that Dedsec and protagonist Marcus Holloway’s anarchistic violence is even worse than what the “villain” is trying to achieve with his surveillance system… But still, Watch Dogs 2 still looks like it could be a solid GTA-style game when it hits the shelves later this year.