Will E3 2016 be a show of surprises?


Few would deny that the E3 show is one of the top video game events of the year, and no doubt we’ll get plenty of exciting video game-related announcements at this year’s show in Los Angeles.

What is clear though, is that all eyes will be on Sony and Microsoft and their possible announcing of new consoles at this year’s show. And it’s almost a given that Sony will announce an upgraded PS4 console which is rumoured to be codenamed “Neo” and will be quite a bit more powerful than a standard PS4, offering support for ultra-high definition gaming and better performance for virtual reality games and Sony’s upcoming PlayStation VR headset.

But even if it looks like the PS4 Neo will be Sony’s big reveal at E3, will the new console actually be released this year as many claim? Or will Sony postpone the Neo’s launch until next year, or announce an even more powerful machine than people expect? The Japanese company might yet surprise gamers at E3, and so could its rival Microsoft, which is also likely to announce a new console at this year’s E3 show. And although many have suggested that Microsoft will reveal a new “Xbox One slim” console at E3 (which would make sense given the Xbox One’s bulkiness) will Microsoft’s Xbox boss Phil Spencer be brave and reveal the Xbox One “Scorpio” at this year’s E3?

This new Xbox console is rumoured to be up to 4 times more powerful than a standard Xbox One, and many pundits have predicted that Microsoft will remain tight-lipped at E3 about it, announcing only the Xbox One slim model this year. But it remains to be seen whether Microsoft will pull the trigger early in order to put pressure on its rival Sony this year…


Will Bethesda announce another Elder Scrolls game at E3 2016?

On the video games front, there could also be a surprise in store for games at this year’s E3, with companies like Bethesda, Activision and Microsoft likely making big video game announcements this year.

And although we already know that Bethesda will likely be providing more details about their eagerly anticipated Dishonored 2, and perhaps announce more DLC for Fallout 4, will the US company also surprise everyone by announcing another Elder Scrolls game? The series’ last major instalment came out in 2011, and there is no doubt that legions of Elder Scrolls fans worldwide are eager to return to Bethesda’s fantasy world of Tamriel…

Microsoft could also deliver a major surprise if they announced a PC version of Halo 5: Guardians (something that’s more or less ruled out at this point), while Activision could also surprise gamers by announcing a standalone edition of their Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered game (which the American company has stated will only be sold bundled together with the upcoming Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare game), although truth be told, these two events would be rather unlikely though.

Given that the E3 is just around the corner though, perhaps a wait and see approach would be a better bet, but it certainly would be a great thing if this year’s show was packed with gamer-pleasing surprises that will make 2016 another year to remember for video game fans.

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