First Assassin’s Creed movie trailer shows leap of faith


The Assassin’s Creed movie is clearly one of the most eagerly awaited of 2016 by fans of Ubisoft’s famous video game franchise, and although this first trailer does cause a good impression overall, it remains to be seen whether director Justin Kurzel’s movie can break the dreaded video game movie curse and become a hit this December.

For those not familiar with the plot of the Assassin’s Creed games, it involves a sinister corporation named Abstergo, which is attempting to locate powerful artefacts from the past. For this, they use a machine named the Animus, which allows people to relive the memories’ of their ancestors (in the game those of a bartender named Desmond).

The movie, however, will feature an original story set in the Assassin’s Creed universe, with actor Michael Fassbender playing the unfortunate test subject who’s strapped to the Animus (which looks like a weird robotic arm in the trailer) and French actress Marion Cotillard playing an Abstergo official who tells him the company is after “his past”.

Fassbender’s character Callum Lynch will relive the memories of his ancestor Aguilar in the movie, an Assassin who’s being hunted by the Spanish Inquisition. The trailer shows the game’s trademark running on rooftops, impressive aerial shots and, of course, the Assassin’s Creed series’ iconic leap of faith. Aguilar is seen jumping from a large 15th century building in a spectacular sequence at the end of the trailer, although the Kanye West score with the line “I am God” does not appear so fitting.

And taking into account that video game movies have not fared that well in the past, there is a risk that this Assassin’s Creed flick might be disappointing, but it would be great if the movie turned out to be a hit both with Assassin’s Creed fans and also those not familiar with the games when it hits the theatres this fall.

Note: The Assassin’s Creed movie will be released on December 21 in the US, and December 30 in the UK.

COPYRIGHT: Ubisoft Motion Pictures.