2. Hitman Episode 1: Paris
Hitman’s first season got off to a strong start with this first episode, in which Agent 47 had to deal with two unsavoury characters from the fashion world. And it all takes place in a posh Paris chateau where a fashion show is taking place, a multi-layered location full of interesting secrets which has also been the setting of many of the game’s Elusive Target missions.
And you could get rid of the mission targets here in several ways, ranging from the classic Agent 47 recourse of poisoning victims to other more brutal ways like dropping a chandelier on the hapless victim… This Paris episode also featured a wealth of challenges and disguises, with the vampire magician outfit sure being the best Hitman costumes ever. Plus the two superb training missions also included in the episode (one aboard a yacht and another taking place in a Russian military base) surely made this a strong starting episode in Hitman’s 2016 season.