The Gamescom video game show took place in Cologne this August, letting gamers enjoy previews of some of 2016’s most highly-anticipated games. From the World War I military shooter Battlefield 1 to Bethesda’s eagerly awaited first-person action game Prey, there was plenty for video games fans to enjoy in Cologne this summer. So without further ado, here follows a list of the top 5 video games seen at this year’s Gamescom show in Germany.
1. Battlefield 1
Battlefield 1, the latest game by renowned studio DICE (who were also behind the hit Star Wars Battlefront game released last year) has generated a lot of excitement amongst gamers due to the fact that it will be set during World War I, which is surely a refreshing new setting, as competitors like Activision’s Call of Duty have focused more on futuristic warfare in the last few years.
The game’s Gamescom trailer proves that early 20th century warfare doesn’t mean Battlefield 1 will be slow-paced or boring, as it will feature frenetic cavalry charges, biplane dogfights, trench warfare and some intense-looking tank battles. Multiplayer matches will also feature dynamic weather according to DICE, with fog and rain limiting visibility on the battlefield, and sandstorms making long-range combat and flight almost impossible on the game’s desert maps. All in all, Battlefield 1 is certainly one military shooter to look out for when it’s released later this year.
Release date: October 21, 2016. Available on PS4, Xbox One and PC.