The Top 10 PS3 exclusive games


Now that Sony’s classic PS3 console is over a decade old, it surely is time to look back at the many exclusive video games that were released for Sony’s machine. This is because the PS3 was not only a worthy successor to the world-conquering PS2, but also boasted an exclusive line-up of games that were the envy of its competitors and which gave gamers countless hours of fun over the years. So without further ado, here follows a list of the top 10 PS3 exclusive games which were released during the console’s lifetime.

10. Killzone 2 (2009)

Killzone 2 is arguably the best first-person shooter to have hit the PS3.

Killzone 2 was one of the best first-person shooters released for the PS3, featuring an intense single player campaign and deep multiplayer modes. The game was also a treat for the eyes and ears, as it boasted some of the best visuals and sounds seen at the time, with the battlefields of Killzone 2’s fictional world of Helghan looking mightily good on the PS3.

And there’s no doubt that Killzone 2’s single player campaign was a thrilling and challenging experience, also featuring impressive vehicle sequences and a varied and satisfying arsenal of weapons to use in combat. The single player campaign had nothing to envy other games like Halo or Call of Duty then, while the multiplayer side of things was frenetic and challenging and gave players plenty of gameplay options, making Killzone 2 one of the best first-person shooters of the last console generation.