Top 10 video game controversies of 2017

Although 2017 saw the release of some superb games, like previous years before it, it also had its share of controversy. From Star Wars Battlefront’s microtransaction outrage to Mario’s swimsuit scandal, more than one controversy got gamers arguing in 2017. So without further ado, here follows a list of the top 10 controversies which rocked the video game world in 2017.

1. Outlast 2 video game is banned in Australia

Many video games have been banned in countries all over the world, but Australia’s decision to refuse classification to Outlast 2 caused a bit of controversy last year. This despite the fact that Outlast is a bloody and gory horror game, and that the Australian Classification Board’s decision (the country’s equivalent to the ESRB) was based on a scene of implicit sexual assault which occurs at some point in the game.

This is not the first time a game was banned for this reason, as in 2015 Hotline Miami 2 was refused classification for similar reasons, and has yet to receive a rating in Australia. This also brings the question of why strong graphic violence such as that seen in a game like GTA V is considered acceptable, but the same does not apply to sex? In the end though, Red Barrels (the team behind the game) were able to make the necessary changes and receive an R18+ rating, meaning Aussie gamers got to play this gory horror game after all.