Top 11 villains in the Far Cry games

3. Joseph Seed (Far Cry 5)

With Far Cry 5 the series took a bold step, taking the action to the US. But despite the fact sunny Montana was a world apart from the Pacific Islands of Far Cry 3 (or the Himalayas of Far Cry 4 for that matter), this had all the action and exciting open-world gameplay the series is renowned for. Also, you did not go up against pirates or soldiers here, but rather against the heavily-armed mercenaries of the Project at Eden’s Gate cult.

The open-world gameplay is as much fun as it’s ever been though, and taking part in activities like races, animal hunts and outpost raids together with companions like Hurk or Nick Rye the pilot made this a stellar entry in the series all the same.

Top Far Cry villain: Far Cry 5’s cult is led by their fanatical leader Joseph Seed (aka “The Father”), who sadly isn’t quite in the same league as earlier villains like Pagan Min or Vaas, but still a cracking villain for this American Far Cry game about an evil religious cult.