10 Actors Who Starred in Video Game Movies

4. Dwayne Johnson


Before breaking into the movie world, Dwayne Johnson had a storied career as a wrestler. Known as “The Rock”, he won every honour imaginable and was world champion of the WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment). And no matter what your opinion of “professional wrestling” might be, success is success – the man got to the top and stayed there for a very long time.

And it was his immense popularity in the ring and imposing physique that convinced many that he could succeed in the movie world as well. In a way, his career resembles that of Arnold Schwarzenegger – they both achieved fame in very physical sports (bodybuilding and wrestling) and later shined in the movie world.

But sadly, the one video game movie Dwayne Johnson starred in was hardly a masterpiece. The Doom movie was based on the action game of the same name and had a paper-thin plot and poorly shot and confusing action sequences. The Rock’s attempts at comedy fell flat for the most part, in a movie that sure left a lot to be desired.