This year’s Gamescom show took place in the German city of Cologne, and allowed gamers to take a sneak peek at some of the most eagerly awaited video games out there, from Remedy Entertainment’s revolutionary Quantum Break game to the parkour-based title Mirror’s Edge Catalyst. And even big name publishers like Ubisoft got a chance to show their video games to an anxious public. So without further ado, here follows a list of the best 10 video games shown at Gamescom 2015.
1. Star Wars: Battlefront
And it looks like Star Wars: Battlefront will let fans of the famous galactic saga recreate some of their favourite moments from the movies, such as the spectacular dogfights seen in The Return of the Jedi. A trailer shown at Gamescom (see below), showcases the game’s “Fighter Squadron” mode, in which up to 20 human players (supported by up to 20 computer-controlled pilots) can battle it out for supremacy. And while some gaming websites such as Polygon have criticized Star Wars: Battlefront’s gameplay for not being exciting enough, hopefully DICE will be able to fine tune the game and deliver a great Star Wars experience when Star Wars: Battlefront is released this fall.
Release date: November 17, 2015. Available on PS4, Xbox One and PC.